Barbara - August 4 at 9:27 AM
| Hi Michelle! Thank you for letting us know, I will pass that along to Meg. If you are watching at home, there is a way to comment, typing in messages, to let the teacher know if anything needs adjusting. Or to just say hi! |
- August 1 at 12:21 PM
| Hello to all. I miss coming in the studio, but I have been so busy that I am just enjoying the classes at home. I am requesting that Meg please turn on the volume for her classes because I cannot hear them when they are recorded. Miss you all :) |
Kathleen - March 20 at 2:26 PM
| Hello everyone, especially to the message from Kathleen about turning up the volume I use my iPhone with EarPods for more volume because I usually keep my eyes closed while practicing from California. The EarPods do fall out sometimes during catcow 😊 Thank you teachers at Weavervilleyoga!!! |
- March 17 at 9:08 AM
| The studio needs your help!
We will have a photgrapher at Barbara's 10:30 class on Saturday 3/19. We would love to have a full class to photograph! Come to class for FREE on Saturday if you are willing to help and don't mind being photographed! |
- January 26 at 5:58 PM
| Hello, I am new to Weaverville Yoga and just figuring out how to attend classes in my home. I need to watch on a laptop with is usually about 4 to 6 away from me. I can only hear between 50 and 75 percent of what is said even with my volume as high as it can go. I am wondering if the recording settings could be raised. Viewers can always lower them. Thank you for considering this. Kathy Meehan |
- January 22 at 7:30 AM
| HI Good Morning , I am a new member and I just wanted to say hello and how much I am enjoying Angela class Ageless Grace. Thank you |
Tina - January 7 at 3:29 PM
| Hi Barbara&Jay, I have a question about Alicia's class today .I didn't make the whole class and went back to try to take it at 1:30 and I only the first 7 minutes recorded. Is that a problem on my end or does it take a certain amount of time for the whole class to record ? |
Jay - January 6 at 4:15 PM
| Tina (and anyone having video issues): The best way to get help is to write me: admin@weavervilleyoga.live The 59 minute video of Alicia's class is in the library. It is possible, but not likely, that the video encoding was not complete at the time you accessed it. Usually the video doesn't register in the library until encoding is complete -- but this is the internet, so you never know. Any way: try now. |
Tina - January 6 at 4:15 PM
| Ok, I was able to take Alicia's full class at 3 pm without a problem, I think it just takes 3-4 hours for live classes to fully be stored in the library. |
Tina - December 21 at 7:26 PM
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Tina - December 21 at 7:03 PM
| Hi Martha, I'm not sure you got my chat comments during the Solstice class because my connection was a little odid. I was able to enjoy the class until 7:40, and the screen froze followed by a message that the class had ended. Thank you for offering this wonderful class❤️🙏🏻 Tina |
- December 16 at 8:18 AM
| "Smile, breathe and go slowly." Thich Nhat Hanh A good mantra for this busy season. Hope you will join me in Embodyoga today at 10:30 to smile, breathe and go slowly. |
- December 9 at 8:21 AM
| "Letting go is the hardest asana." Raashi Khanna. Letting go of expectations, letting go of judgement, letting go of those shoulders. Today in Embodyoga at 10:30 we're going to focus again on moving and easing our shoulders and neck as we move into the holidays. Hope you will join me! |
- December 2 at 2:06 AM
| We just got home at 2 am from an emergency visit to the hospital for my husband. He is fine, but I won't be able to teach tomorrow morning. So sorry! Please use a video. |
- November 18 at 8:14 AM
| "It is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy." Brother David Steindl-Rast. I always feel grateful when I release me shoulders and neck, so we will do lots of releasing in Embodyoga at 10:30. Hope you will join me! |
- November 4 at 8:13 AM
| What are cues for in yoga? Definitely not to become perfect! They focus the mind, they create space in the body so energy can flow freely, they help us find ease and support to stay safe. Hope you will join me today for lots of cues in Embodyoga at 10:30! |
- November 4 at 8:09 AM
| Sneaker Tap has fulfilled its purpose over these last 20 months - to give us a little joy and a sense of accomplishment during difficult times. I've decided that today's class is my final tap class at Weaverville Yoga. Please join me at noon to celebrate dance! |
- October 28 at 8:01 AM
| Brighten your day with Beginner Sneaker Tap at noon. All are welcome! |
- October 28 at 7:59 AM
| "When it comes to change, tiny is mighty." B.J. Fogg, PhD. One thing I love about yoga is that tiny changes in alignment or thought can change the whole experience. Hope you will join me today for exercise and "inercise" with Embodyoga at 10:30. |
- October 21 at 8:12 AM
| Hope you will join me at noon in Beginning Sneaker Tap to continue or start your tap dance journey! More great music to revisit from my Spotify Playlist. |
- October 21 at 8:09 AM
| When the bones are balanced the muscles and mind eases. Today in Embodyoga at 10:30 we'll continue to focus on easing our lower back by stretching our hip flexors, gently engaging our core and finding our center. Hope you will join me! |
- October 7 at 8:53 AM
| Tap dance is a great way to bring the sun out on this very rainy Asheville day! Sneaker Tap for beginners and fast-beginners at noon! Hope you will join me! |
- October 7 at 8:51 AM
| After last week's yoga class, we talked about lower back pain. Today's Embodyoga class at 10:30 will focus on strengthening, stretching and images to find a neutral alignment to ease back pain. Hope you will join me! |
- October 2 at 7:19 AM
| Curious about Kundalini yoga? Join us Sunday morning at 9 a.m. as we explore healing the body, mind, and spirit. This gentle practice uses movement, mantra, and meditation to foster a sense of wholeness and health. Since it is the first Sunday of the month, we will enjoy a cup of homemade Yogi Tea after class. Warm, grounding spices such as ginger, cinnamon, and black pepper are perfect for a chilly Fall morning. Sat Nam! https://img1.thelist.com/img/gallery/when-you-drink-chai-tea-every-day-this-is-what-happens-to-your-body/intro-1580327209.jpg" alt="" />
- September 30 at 9:00 AM
| Pratyahara: "To take away the sensory engagement of the world and turn it in. It helps make our engagement with the world conscious rather than compulsive." Sadhguru Hope you will join me today at 10:30 in Embodyoga, strengthening, stretching, balancing and breathing, and getting a vacation from the outside world! |
- September 30 at 8:58 AM
| Out of curiosity, I counted the number of songs on my Sneaker Tap Playlist. 128!! Come down memory lane with me as I teach Beginning and Fast Beginning new combinations to old music at noon. All are welcome! |
- September 28 at 8:07 AM
| Good morning! Spectrum internet is down in all of downtown Weaverville. Jenne will be unable to stream her class this morning. Please use a pre-recorded class.
Repairmen are out and about working on the issue, so hopefully it will be resolved soon.
Thanks for your patience and enjoy your practice! |
- September 23 at 9:02 AM
| I ran into a former Sneaker Tap student on the stairs of Weaverville Yoga (so nice to see someone in person!) and she said it was hard to come back to the class because the class has gotten harder. It made me realize that I need to teach more of a multi-level class with two versions of combinations. So that's what I'm going to do! Even if you are a new or occasional tap dancer, give it a try at noon today!!! Music by Bobby McFerrin! |
- September 23 at 9:01 AM
| "You can't force raging water to be calm. You have to leave it alone and let it return to its natural flow." Thibaut Today in Embodyoga at 10:30, we'll continue to focus on strategies to calm the body through breath, even during challenging moments. Hope you will join us!! | |
Barbara - September 19 at 6:40 PM
| From Jay: Teachers and students have experienced many technical issues over the past few days. Most of these related to our webcast platform, Vimeo, who has had a cascade of network problems. They have issued a fix, and it appears they have resolved the issues. On behalf of Weaverville Yoga's entire staff of Programmers, network managers, and Tech Support specialists, I apologize for any difficulties. We are in the clear and broadcasting this week should look excellent. |
- September 16 at 8:46 AM
| I don't know about you, but I have the Covid Blues! Today in Sneaker Tap we will Not Worry About a Thing (Mose Allison), Let the Good Times Roll (Ray Charles), and Boogie with Grandpa (Lil Greenwood). It will be a Covid Blues buster!!! Hope you will join us at noon!! |
- September 16 at 8:41 AM
| "The most common misunderstanding about breathing is that it improves through a forceful effort of will." Donna Farhi, author of The Breathing Book We had a long talk about breathing after class last week, so today in Embodyoga we'll calm the body and mind by focusing gently on it. Hope you will join us at 10:30! |
Jay - September 15 at 5:02 PM
| A number of recent webcasts are "stuttering." The videos of these classes will also "stutter."
This isn't your computer, or the studio equipment.
This is caused when Charter/Spectrum internet to the studio provides a poor upload connection to our webcast / video service.
In other words, this is a Charter/Spectrum internet problem, It happens intermittently which makes it hard to fix. We will keep yelling at them about it. |
Jay - September 12 at 8:23 PM
| Sunday 12 Sept: A day that will live in internet infamy. Dear friends of Weaverville Yoga: I spent 2-3 hours on the phone with Charter/Spectrum, the internet service provider for all of Weaverville/Asheville, trying to find somebody who would understand the geeky problems they were having. Charter couldn't find our website, and put up a notice saying it was under construction. The internet connections with our webcast were sporadic. Charter is essentially the only internet game in town, so we have few options.
I'm sorry for the difficulties experienced by our teachers and faithful members. |
Tina - September 9 at 10:31 PM
| Thank you for such a great class this morning Jenne. Im glad I was able to access it even though I couldn't physically be there ❤️🙏🏻 |
- September 9 at 8:51 AM
What yoga has been giving me is training in finding new awarenesses in that same old down dog and same old life. Hope you will join me in Embodyoga at 10:30!
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- September 9 at 8:48 AM
| Beginning Sneaker Tap at noon! New music and new combinations for a new season! |
Pamela - September 6 at 11:36 AM
| I'm cool now Jay. Thanks. |
Jay - September 3 at 7:32 PM
| Feeling too basic? It's easy to change your basic chat icon into a personal portrait. For instructions Just click this link All the cool kids are doing it...you can too!
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- September 2 at 8:59 AM
| "Water is fluid, soft and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and can not yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard." Lao Tzu Today in Embodyoga we'll focus on my favorite element - water: How a fluid practice creates space and helps us strengthen with ease. Hope you will join me at 10:30! |
- September 2 at 8:57 AM
| More, more, more in Sneaker Tap: more toe drops, more interesting rhythms and more Fred (thanks Jay for the link to Fred at 71!). Hope you will join me at noon! |
- August 26 at 8:55 AM
| Not sure this link worked - here it is again! Fred Astaire at 71. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpSzUkX5vmM |
- August 26 at 8:53 AM
- August 26 at 8:51 AM
| "Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting." Joyce Meyer I've been struggling with patience during this Covid come-back, and so have been focusing on it in yoga. To help us feel a calm patience during today's practice at 10:30 we'll use lots of props. Please especially have 2 blocks and a solid chair, and possibly a bolster and blanket. |
- August 19 at 8:07 AM
| I can't get enough of The Meters! More Meters and more claps and crawls today in Sneaker Tap at noon. All are welcome! |
- August 19 at 8:06 AM
| "Through repetition, the magic is forced to arise." As covid rears its ugly head again, I've been thinking a lot about repetition. In Embodyoga today at 10:30 we will explore what we can experience and learn from repetition. Hope you will join me! |
Pamela - August 14 at 11:54 AM
| My news isn't news, but I just wanted to say these hybrid classes are really going well. Kudos to the teachers who seemed to have adapted wonderfully. Thanks Barbara and Jay. |
- August 12 at 9:02 AM
| More funk music for Sneaker Tap at noon today, this time by The Meters. The song for the combination is the Hand Clapping Song, and we will do a little clapping too (on the two). Should be fun. Hope you will join me! |
- August 12 at 9:01 AM
| "Oh pillow, this is requited love." Phoebe Wilcox Since getting back from three days backpacking, I've been singing odes to the things in my life - pillows, chairs, plumbing, and definitely yoga. Today's yoga class at 10:30 will focus on how great a slow flow feels. Hope you will join me! |
Jay - August 8 at 9:56 AM
| Most of Weaverville is experiencing a power outage. Current estimate is it will be over by noon. |
Jay - July 30 at 8:47 AM
| Angela didn't teach yesterday's class. I failed to remove the class from the webcast schedule. Sorry for this confusion. |
Lynn - July 29 at 4:22 PM
| Hi Jay and Barbara..just FYI, nothing came across for Angela's class today 7/29..She was on the schedule, so I guess there still are some kinks to work out... Namaste :) |
- July 29 at 8:33 AM
| In Sneaker Tap today, more music from the artists of Summer of Soul and another new combination! Hope you will join me at noon in person or virtually! |
- July 29 at 8:32 AM
| Continuing to move down the body in Embodyoga, today we'll focus on the extraordinary feet: so pliant and adaptable, yet so stable and strong. We'll start with a short foot massage and explore how that affects our yoga practice. Hope you'll join me at 10:30! | |
Barbara - July 22 at 9:49 PM
| Angela will be teaching a make-up class of Ageless Grace on Friday @ 3pm |
Jay - July 22 at 4:43 PM
| Webcasts are extremely complicated. I had no idea. Now that I'm an "expert", I'm literally astonished that they work at all.
Every time there's a glitch, your patient teachers work with me to try to determine causes and fixes. It's like dealing with tech support, except that they're dealing with me, and I am a notably unpleasant person.
Angela's troubles had their origin someplace around her house. We think we've solved them.
Angela hopes to webcast a replacement class within the next 24 hours. Stay Tuned!
The audio/video syncing problem looks like it might have been caused by the studio camera bouncing along with Anita's tapping. We'll see if we can fix that, too.
i take a little conmfort that big well-equipped news networks like CNN have these exact same problems when doing offsite interviews. I beg your patience and forgiveness as we continue to work out the kinks. |
Lynn - July 22 at 3:21 PM
| Trying to take Angela's 3:00 class... was OK for first few minutes, then froze at PAUSE .... unable to get her on my computer or my cell phone... The timer on her class is continuing though... guess I will try library later.. Lynn N |
- July 22 at 10:51 AM
| In Sneaker Tap, today's music is from the wonderful and important movie, Summer of Soul. Hope you will join me to dance at noon! | |
- July 22 at 10:46 AM
| Yoga - neutral, calm mind; neutral, calm joints. Even during challenges. Hope you will join me for yoga at 10:30! | |
- July 15 at 8:46 AM
| "Express Yourself." That's the title of the new music for today's new combination in Beginning Sneaker Tap at noon. Did you know that learning new dance steps is better for the brain than doing crossword puzzles? Hope you will join me! |
- July 15 at 8:45 AM
| Continuing to move down the body, today, July 15, Embodyoga is all about the hips. Why does it feel so good to release them? Hope you will join me at 10:30! |
Jay - July 3 at 9:15 AM
| To report technical issues, please contact me directly: admin@weavervilleyoga.live |
Jay - July 3 at 9:13 AM
| Stopping or rewinding an in-progress webcast is not supported. If your device is showing you these unsupported options, the choice has been made by the device, not by me or the streaming platform. |
Pamela - July 2 at 12:12 PM
| Hi, I've learned to wait several minutes before the recent class I want to see appears and begins. Today, 30 minutes into Anita's Embodyoga class, I needed to stop and take a phone call. When I went back, I hit play and also used the 15 second back button to review a bit. Things didn't work well, sound clicked on and off, mostly off, and it went into slow motion a bit, tried to start again and move to 30 minute mark. There was no way to move to a place mid video that worked for me. Is this a bug you are aware of? I have abandoned my class midstream. 🙁 |
Tina - July 2 at 10:12 AM
| Thanks Jay, I am now able to play recently recorded classes.(I could pull them up before but they wouldn't play for some reason). 🙏🏻Tina |
Jay - July 2 at 9:40 AM
| The library is showing all the most recent classes. You can Sort by "Most Recent". You'll see about 60 classes videoed since the studio reopened. I just tweaked the page. The "Sort" option is now on the left , and it now defaults to Most recent. The page remembers any options you choose, and redisplays those options the next time you read it. |
Tina - July 2 at 9:04 AM
| Hi, I'm having difficulty accessing the most recent classes in the library. ( Classes that have been record since the studio reopened for in person classes). Thanks, Tina | |
Rayona - June 29 at 2:50 PM
| Let’s go into the holiday weekend with some fluidity! I invite you all to join me for a string of ‘wake up and flow’ yoga classes on wednesday 6/30, thursday 7/1 & friday 7/2. Classes will begin at 8AM and last about 45 minutes. These short, moderately paced, head to toe flow sequences will be designed to cleanse the body of tension & invite energy and balance into your day! You can find me guiding you through in real time at weavervilleyoga.live. I look forward practicing with you all. See you tomorrow morning! |
Jay - June 27 at 12:15 PM
| I've been at work listening to your feedback and making adjustements to this site. Thanks for all your ideas. For Live Classes, I recommend the "Live Classes" page. It's simpler than the Yoga TV page, and also successfully tested on dozens of mobile devices. Thank you so much for continuing to support hometown yoga at Weaverville Yoga. |
Barbara - June 19 at 1:55 AM
| Today we open our beautiful new studio. We're teaching in-person classes: Barbara teaches Anahata at 10.30 Kimber teaches Aryuveda at 2. We're going to spend some time in-between just soaking in the wonderful atmosphere of our new space. Stop by and join us! | |
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